Dear Copyright Holders, does not store, broadcast, or retransmit its own content. Submitted content is proxied from content that is on the Internet in the public domain. does not bear any responsibility for the place of origin, legality and quality of TV channels and radio stations, we only provide a technical solution for access on a single site to these channels and radio stations, as well as a technical solution for converting data streams using players and TV set-top boxes. Our technical solution is our intellectual property. The customer pays only for the technical solution!

To consider the claim, you must provide all information to the mail :
— name of copyright Holder;
— direct link to the content, the placement of which is an alleged violation;
— Your statement regarding the Rights to this content.

We reserve the right to request electronic copies of documents confirming Your identity, status and validity of Your right to prohibit the distribution of content via the Internet. We reserve the right to publish and/or transfer to third parties any information we receive from You.